
DaisypathAnniversary Years Ticker

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas a few days late!!!!!!!!!!

The countdown is on the wedding--less than a week to go...

Also, wanted to say that I received new camera cords for Christmas so Nathan and I will be starting Project365 soon. Every day in 2008 we will post a picture that is enigmatic of our look forward to the visual record of our year of transitions!

I'll leave you with a picture of Nathan and I registering...

Saturday, December 8, 2007

We're Done (well...almost)

Rachel Ann here--and I'm finally done with college! Nathan has a few days left and then we'll both be done with our undergraduate obligations.

Of course, Nathan has a long, hard road ahead of him to get a PhD and I'll most likely be doing some time in grad school too...but...for now we are done!

I made my master list today of everything that needs to be finished before the wedding. It seems achievable.

Check back for wedding updates and after January 1st we'll be posting a picture every day of our activities. It's called Project365 and it should be a pretty cool project for us.

Well...let me leave you with some thoughts about UNC Asheville shared at my freshman Convocation by our former Chancellor, Jim Mullen. This quote pretty much sums up my feelings about my time as a Bulldog:

"Love this university and what it represents, and love learning for its own sake. Pursue knowledge and truth with an unquenchable thirst. Make a difference today, tomorrow and always."