
DaisypathAnniversary Years Ticker

Friday, May 2, 2008


So yesterday, our friend Tanya threw a pancake party to celebrate the graduation of another friend of ours, Oscar.

I went early to help her chop up fruit for fruit salad and Nathan came later (around 9 pm)--meals happen really late around here.

We ate pancakes with cinnamon syrup, fruit salad and eggs. Us silly non-Balkaners (me, Tanya, Nathan and Oscar) dug into our pancakes before the eggs were cooked. Apparently we violated some serious food rules. You always have to eat in the order of savory-->salty-->sweet. Who knew? So it was a big deal that we ate sweet pancakes before salty eggs.

Also, Oscar brought some crazy topping with him to eat pancakes with. He's superinternational having grown up in Mexico, the States and somewhere in Africa and now living in Bulgaria. He has a crazy accent! Anyway, I tried this Mexican topping. I was wary because the ingredients list named both goat's milk and white wine. It tasted like Nutella mixed with caramel apple dip. Ugh.

Anyway, after dinner we decided to head out to karaoke where Kostadin, Oscar, Tanya and I were planning on performing the Britney Spears' great "Hit Me Baby One More Time" while Nathan took pictures. Unfortunately, they wanted a 2 Leva cover charge and it was standing room only. Good thing Tanya and I sang every pop hit from our middle school years on the way to the Piano Bar.

After giving up there, we stopped for Nathan and Maria to get midnight duners and then we jumped over to Underground and stayed there for way too long. Needless to say, Nathan and I didn't go to sleep until 5 am!

So that's that. We fly home one week from tomorrow--whoa!

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