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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

We're a family!

So for the past few months, every few days Nathan or I will bring up how we'd like to go back to our wedding day. Seriously--it was so much fun. We loved having all of those people we loved in one room, but we really wish that we could have spent more time with people individually. We were so excited to have all of our best friends in the world together, not to mention all of those wonderful aunts, uncles, friends of our parents, etc. who watched us grow up and probably know us better than we could ever imagine. Because of the snow we had to dash so others could drive home, but we really wish we could have both stayed and hung out to the wee hours of the morning. We've especially missed everyone this past few months in Bulgaria. Although it is really exciting to get to know new people, it is so refreshing to spend time with people that already know you really well. Also, we're missing the preparation months for all of our friends' weddings and post-college plans. It is a bit sad.

This is not to say that being in Bulgaria is not still the chance of a lifetime--it certainly is! I mean, we have been in 4 countries in the past 4 days and next week we're going to Turkey. It really helped to have time with parents last week and we can't wait until my parents come in two weeks!

To make it even better the most amazing things have been happening in the past few days. Somehow, without us realizing it was happening, we became a family. Some sort of really strange transition took place and we eased into this really fun connection that even after 5 years of dating we hadn't yet reached--I really feel like Nathan's wife. I don't know if it was applying for an apartment or talking about furniture or realizing that our espresso machine will soon have a home, but we actually started to feel like grown-ups today. And I have to say, as much fun as bride and groom was, husband and wife is even better.


UNCA takes on the Easy said...

aww that is soo sweet. I really miss my partner in crime. And know that i will definitely miss you in Boston and if i end up there too.. we will have to have our adjoining closets. Although it looks like you have lost lots of weight and so you and i might not fit in the same clothes. I miss you and Nathan so much. In fact, i find myself talking about your awesomeness to others often. love you guys!

Beverly said...

Now that your a family when can I expect fuzzy babies in fuzzy sweaters.

LAA said...

That makes me happy too!