
DaisypathAnniversary Years Ticker

Friday, February 8, 2008

A Day of Firsts...

So today we did a number of things that we hadn't done before. We called the US to get Nathan's tax info (unsuccessful) and I talked to Mama and Daddy for a few minutes (successful).

We rode in a car and not just any car--A TAXI!

No doubt you are asking yourself--why a taxi? Because we went to Bulgarian Sam's Club! It is called Metro, we spent a lot of money and we got A LOT of cheese and granola. Yum.

We also saw some crazy Bulgarian food--like apple-lime flavored soy milk and a fun cereal called Pirate Breakfast.

No post tomorrow because we'll be in Sofia, but look for a fun post Sunday or Monday on our big city hijinks!

1 comment:

LAA said...

Yay...can't wait to hear about your adventure in Sofia. I hope you find lots of places to take us to buy great homespun yarns.