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Monday, February 4, 2008

Random moments...

Because my mind is going every which way, here are some random moments from our lives lately:

1. Bulgarians love ALF. I mean, love. For real. It was one of the first shows to come to BG from the US and apparently the dubbed version is better than the original. It plays on more than one station. Love.

2. DentoKisss (no e) is the best toothpaste. Not better than Burt's Bees lavender, but close. It is lime and baking soda and costs 1 lev.

3. Bulgarians are very superstitious. They especially have this thing about drafts. Apparently they will kill you. Nathan and I have a draft under our door. No joke, people have told us that this is why we are getting sick and hurt.

4. Gypsy drum circles blow all other drum circles away. We had the privilege of watching and listening to one on Friday night from our balcony.

5. Bulgarian class is really frustrating when everyone knows the alphabet but you. 3 Americans vs. everyone else. No fun.

6. Apparently Sofia abounds in yarn and we are going to attempt to go this weekend and purchase some. They also have a Dunkin Donuts and a KFC. Gag...however, they also have a Mexican restaurant! Rejoice!

7. Make breakfast burritos last night with the tortillas.

8. The Superbowl came on at 1 am and was broadcast in Danish.

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