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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Movies and Milk

So today Nathan and I went to see 3:10 To Yuma at our friendly neighborhood movie theatre. Have we mentioned this place before? All of the movies are in English with Bulgarian subtitles and you can get popcorn and a drink for less than 3 Leva. Sweet.

However, there is only one screen so you have to watch whatever it is that they are showing. That means that today we got to watch Russell Crowe shoot almost anything possible. Nathan thought it was an alright movie, but really, I could have done without it.

What is so crazy about this experience is that we are in Bulgaria, in a town where few people speak English and yet we watched a movie in English. All of the music broadcast in restaurants and stores is also in English. Even the more "indigenous" pop music is all in English. Bizarre. The US has done an amazing job of exporting its culture.

In a totally unrelated note, I consumed way, way, way too many cups of chai today and now I am sick as a dog. 2% milk is not my friend. Is it possible to be lactose-sensitive, but not lactose-intolerant? Let me know.

On a totally selfish note...many of you have emailed us letting us know you would like to send us care packages. Packages take 2-3 weeks to arrive here and we are leaving in 8 weeks or so. That means, you should mail the packages soon if you want us to receive them and have enough time to use the contents.

1 comment:

LAA said...

Take care, dear. I hope you feel better quickly! Love to you & Nathan.