
DaisypathAnniversary Years Ticker

Thursday, March 20, 2008


There is still snow, snow and more snow coming down from the sky. The flakes are huge and wet and not sticking at all. That means that there are puddles everywhere just waiting for little American girls named Rachel Ann to stumble upon.

Things have generally been puddly this week. We have so many decisions facing us and it can certainly be overwhelming at times to have just enough boxes checked off that you feel real panic at the others being left blank.

Was that too cryptic? Oh well. Thank goodness we have better friends than we could ever deserve. The Princess really helped a lot yesterday. (Side note: Did you know that two of our best friends are, professionally, a Princess and an Environmental Cop? Seriously--they get paid for these things).

Anyway, things are looking up, we are very excited about Istanbul and we won't have any communication until Monday so don't worry if we don't email you back!

1 comment:

Beverly said...

Hey Baba, whre should I send you invite to?? Love ya.