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Thursday, March 6, 2008

Lazy Days...

After we got home from Cannes, we all collapsed and took naps. We've been running around non-stop for a few days and so yesterday we stayed in and got some resting and work done.

Nathan finished polishing up his resume and applied for the Pearson Education job, so that added a really official dimension to our plans to move up North.

I attempted to make some comfort food for Nathan in the form of chocolate chip cookies. However, there are not sufficient measuring devices here and so I had to wing a recipe and the measurements. Also, there were no chocolate chips, per se, so I chopped up dark chocolate with orange and white chocolate bars and made two different batches. I also made a mixture of three sugars--white, brown cane and vanilla--and, I must say, the cookies turned out fabulous. They are the perfect mix of crunchy and chewy and they are huge--bakery-sized. They are a little heavy on the butter, but Nathan loved them and we are taking some on our picnic today.

Yes, today we are off to travel 4 hours away to somewhere between Barcelona and Paris. Rather vague, if you ask me, but I've been promised a Roman aqueduct and an amazing modern bridge and I am so, so excited (still) to be in France!


LAA said...

It all sounds so wonderful...still. So glad you got to bake cookies. That helps the nesting instinct a bit, doesn't it? Love to you & Nathan! Have fun today.

Korrie said...

I need to see a picture of the bag! I can't believe it didn't make it into the blog. Old buildings or cute european bag...I think you know where I stand! :-)

Oh and "Costa Rica Summer '08" is on! 1 month starting June 15!