
DaisypathAnniversary Years Ticker

Saturday, April 5, 2008


So today the Olympics were canceled because it is STILL raining. The Olympics are sort of like college field day. We were planning to go cheer on our friends and I was going to meet with a student org president to give her some tips on community service ideas. It is a community service organization and they are having trouble getting support for their activities because philanthropy is not the norm here like it is in US colleges.

Anyway, that didn't happen because of the rain, so Nathan and I went to check out the new grocery store that opened next to the dorms. Whoa. It was overwhelming. The average market here is about as small as an older pharmacy, like the ones in downtown areas (not like a suburban CVS). Generally, they have one or two choices for each product and when it is sold out, then you are out of luck for a few weeks. (See: Waynesville Wal-mart for a comparison)

Anyway, this store is HUGE and German-owned. It is the size of an American grocery store like Harris Teeter--HUGE. It was also super crowded and noisy and that whole "we don't really have lines" thing isn't working out too well for it. Also, there isn't established cart etiquette so that was frustrating.

It was pretty awesome though (aside from the above). We got sandwich stuff and hot chocolate mix and crepe mix. Yum.

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