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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Springtime for Sofia

Nathan and I just returned from a very beautiful and relaxing week in Sofia. We ate way too much American fast food though because our friend Svet loves it. I did get to eat at Subway though and that was great. Not the same, mind you, but good nevertheless. We also had lettuce, tomato and sour cream bagels at Dunkin Donuts. Uh huh--not cream cheese--sour cream!

I knitted 7, 264 stitches this weekend. I've almost completely used up the two pounds of yarn my parents brought me. Unfortunately, I need about 8 more pounds to finish this project.

The trees were blooming as well as some plant whose blossoms smell like PertPlus. Yum. So fresh!

Palm Sunday is today in Bulgaria and it is so beautiful! Everyone carries willow branches to the church (not palms) and little kids wear willow crowns. All of the icons are arched with flowers and willow. Regrettably, I forgot my camera today so I have no pictures of this.

We also engaged in quite a bit of political conversation this weekend. Our friend is very, very conservative and bases all of his political decisions on the continuing superiority of white people of European descent. I could go on and on about how Nathan and I deal with his arguments, but I won't. It just gets everyone riled up. Anyway. We can talk about when we get home. I'm sure you'll be interested. To whet your appetites, here is a smattering of our responses:
1. No, I'm not afraid that if black people are elected they will take away rights for white people.
2. No, I don't think about non-whites as non-Americans.
3. No, I don't think it is effective solution to Bulgaria's "racial makeup problem" to ship over poor whites from Mississippi or Alabama to farm Bulgaria's land and have more white babies.

Oh yeah--you want to talk about it now, don't you?

And as I remind you every Sunday--3 weeks until we land in Raleigh for bagels (with cream cheese!), burritos, BFF wedding week and getting rid of all of our stuff!

1 comment:

LAA said...

Yes, can't wait to talk about that! And I will have more yarn for you to finish your project when you get home too. Love you!