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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

BG People, Dear Readers...

I would like to start by pointing out that my title is inspired by a great film called "Wizard People, Dear Readers" that spoofs Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Rather, it uses the original film's imagery with crazy new audio that retells the story. My favorite part: Hagrid is always referred to Hagar the Horrible.

If this sounds exciting to you, then invite Nathan and I over for movie night and we'll bring it to your house. Then we'll eat American popcorn and laugh for a few hours. It'll be fun--I promise.

Now, dear readers, what did I do for you today? If you guessed "climbed up a mountain with Morgan to take really fun pictures for us" then you are CORRECT!

So without further ado....on to the pictures!
Our journey begins with me apologizing for Mr. Sick for abandoning him and leaving him all alone. He understood and, in all reality, all he's doing these days is sleeping.
Very quickly in our journey we stumble upon a horse and buggy. It isn't hard to stumble upon them--they are everywhere and operate like taxis. I'd like to ride on one, but I don't think you are supposed to unless you are a Gypsy. Oh well.
Then we find a Coke machine where Coca-Cola is written in Cyrillic (bottom corner). How exciting!
Interestingly enough, it was located on the porch of the Arabica Coffee store. Oh, and that is Morgan taking a picture.
So the whole time we're walking, we are next to this giant concrete wall that we can't see over. After about 10 minutes of walking uphill and seeing nothing but a wall, we consider giving up on our adventure. Thank goodness we didn't though because about 15 minutes later we get this view:
Awesome. Now, you might think, as we did, that this is as good as it gets. Well, we made a left turn here which spat us out into a residential area. However, once we made a left, the street get going up (even steeper than before). So, of course, we follow it and at the top of that mountain we see:

Wow. Even cooler. What was even better was that this vantage point let us be voyeurs and look into people's yards. Notice the house in the lower right corner where the roof is covered in blankets to cover the holes in it? At that house, we watched a mother teaching her daughter how to belly dance.

Needless to say, after all this we were a bit thirsty. What better to refresh yourself with than a slightly-cooler-than-room-temperature Mirinda?
After that refreshment, we stopped by the market (for lettuce and clementines),
the main shopping street (for candy),
and the Super (C-Y-Pi-E-Rho) Market for bread.

Also of note on our journey: this East German car which is made of CARDBOARD, can be carried by an average adult and was, apparently, all the rage back in the day.
Just think about that at some point today--a cardboard car that you can carry if you have to. Whoa.


LAA said...

OK, I want to get on the list for watching that movie with you & Nathan. So glad you got a pic of the Coke machine in Cyrillic. I'm still sorry I didn't get one of the Coke machine in Israel written in Hebrew. Love your pictures...and you. Take care of Nathan and get him better. Mama

TKPO_NC said...

I said a few very bad words today and thought of you ... remembering when we talked about bad words the night we went to Sir Pizza last summer ... when we pretended not to know your mom and dad when they showed up? Anyway ... for some reason I thought of you. I am going to try not to say anything bad tomorrow to make up for my sinful day today.

Nathan looks pretty pitiful, but then again, most men do when they're sick. As your mama says, please take care ... don't you get sick. Love the pictures ... love it that you are confident enough to leave Nathan and go do your own thing. Love it!