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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I have totally lost my mind...

Nathan and I are exhibiting strange symptoms of sleeping in too late. We're calling it the BGs. Seriously, next time you need to catch up on some sleep fly for 17 hours to a country with no sunlight (only haze).

Nothing of great note to report today. Took a nice 20 minute jog along the river which was lovely.

We thought we'd update you with how our food situation is here. Here's a typical day:

Note: Everything mentioned in the following menus is consumed either:
a. out of our one Nalgene bottle, or
b. out of one of our two bowls with one of our two spoons, and
is cut with our Swiss Army knife.

Yes. We are permanent backpackers, but we have a fridge!

So here goes:

Breakfast: One slice of bread with peanut butter and blueberry jam (but not a lot of each--remember it's expensive).
2 clementines
Cappuccino (6 oz or so for 0.80 Leva)

One slice of bread with a slice of cheese
Bowl of strawberry yogurt with granola mixed in
Clementine or apple

Dinner out (usually at Napoli's). Shopska salad (feta, onion, cucumber, tomato)
Margherita pizza (pita bread topped with very little tomato sauce and melted cheese)
We split these two items.

If you double the food above then you get Nathan's daily intake. Seriously. Who knew how much he ate????

So that's our life. Same food every day. One hot meal a day. Sort of like backpacking and prison at the same time.

The food is great though. Everything is made here in town or grown not more than a few hundred miles away. Here in Eastern Europe they don't really use preservatives and chemicals on their food so there isn't a ton of variety (like in the US) but it tastes great!

And then, of course, I have my imported-from-America peanut butter.

I will say though that tonight we are craving burritos. We were going to make them as our country's food for international student week but we can't find the ingredients so now we are making chili, mac and cheese and grits. Yum.

Oh, and John and Sally--we are craving eating burritos with you guys! So eat some Moe's for us and think of us fondly when you chew your tofu.

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