
DaisypathAnniversary Years Ticker

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Episode 3... which our now dry brave heroes explore Little Italy and begin Day One of Mathapalooza.

Well gang, this morning I woke up in a room with windows! However, I woke up before the sun (but at least I could see that--what with the windows and all).

Nathan woke up A LOT later than I did so we didn't venture out until 12ish or so. We set out again today to find a not so sketchy part of San Diego and we found it in Little Italy!

Oh.My.Goodness. If you, dear readers, ever go to San Diego eat at Fillipi's in Little Italy. You enter through an Italian grocery store and walk to the back where there is magically a delicious restaurant that hasn't changed since the 1950s. A ginormous salad and bell pepper pizza later, we emerged totally and completely satisfied by the delicious food with enough leftovers to eat for a few days.

At the trolley stop today we met a lady who talked to us about the homelessness problem in San Diego. EVERY place she mentioned is within a block of our hotel. Oh well. It has windows. And I feel safe.

After Little Italy, where we also met a Mexican who ended every sentence in English with "homie" (not so in his Spanish sentences), we ventured to the Convention Center to check in at Mathapalooza (otherwise known as the Joint Sessions).

OK, so backstory. Nathan and I had a layover in Detroit on our way to San Diego. This really squirrelly guy got on the plane in Detroit and I (jokingly) said, "That guy is totally going to your geeky conference." Well, lo and behold, within 15 of checking in today, we met the guy at the convention. His name is Joel and he's really nice. Nathan and he chatted about their research and turns out that Joel knows the guy that Nathan references five times in his talk. Joel introduced Nathan to Dr. Kauffman and got to invite him to the talk. cool is that? Oh, and I was so right that Joel was en route to Mathapalooza.

Here's a picture of Nathan and Joel chatting it up:

Nathan also played some puzzle game where if you solve it in 5 minutes you get it free. Needless to say, he didn't solve it (but almost!) and he tried to solve it for a lot longer than 5 minutes. He tried long enough that the lady said she might have to call security on my husband.

OH! So that's another very exciting thing that happened today. For the first time since we've been married, we got to introduce each other to people and husband and wife. We also got to see a slew of UNC Asheville professors and Nathan's colleagues from the summer who got to see us again...but married this time!

Nathan went to a few sessions today. We watched a math movie ("Flatland") and I studied for the GRE. I hope there will be more exciting updates on the Mathapalooza front tomorrow. Oh, and please join us in our prayers that Nathan will make tons of contacts that will get him into graduate school!

So today I started referring to you as "my loyal readers." Nathan thinks this is you are reading this, PLEASE comment so I can prove to Nathan that people read this other than me.

I'll leave you with one final picture of Nathan's name in the official conference program:


John Allard said...

Tell Nathan I don't even have internet access of my very own...yet I am still a loyal reader!

John Allard said...

I don't even have the internet but somehow I'm a loyal reader.

Gary Allred said...

Daddy here! Tell Nathan that I am a zealous and faithful reader!

Rach said...

I'm most certainly one of your most loyal readers and one of your most loyal fans!

Beverly said...

This blog is the best way to keep track of you two. I feel like like I'm right there with you homie. I hope the sun continues to shine through your windows every morning. Love ya.

gerberdaisy said...

Hey...I'm lovin' the blog. I'm going to be more up to date with the two of you this year! :) Good luck at with all the math people.