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Saturday, January 5, 2008

San Diego--Day 2

To all my friends that I love--never stay at Hostel Cat in San Diego. There are no windows!!!!! No joke. And the entire place is designed for drunk travelers so someone is passed out somewhere at all times. This means that you can't turn on lights. This, paired with no windows, makes for not such a fun time. Oh, and they pump mid-90s rock music throughout the ENTIRE building so you can't get a moment's rest anywhere. Awful music. Awful sleep. Awful hot (no windows). Ech.

Because I thought it was funny, here is a picture of one of the signs posted around the hostel. Every sign in the place has a reference to "keeping the dream alive." Nathan and I never figured out what that meant.

Anyway, the place was whacked and uncomfortable. So...Nathan and I left today for a new hotel. Good ole America's Best Inn is going to take us in for five days. Only problem is that we couldn't get a refund at Hostel Cat and, although we didn't know it ahead of time because of the lack of windows, today the skies were pouring rain in sunny San Diego. So...Nathan and I walked a mile and a half with all of our luggage in the pouring rain to get to the new hotel and here's how we looked afterwards:

Well, we never really dried off because we couldn't check in for a few more hours. So we dropped our luggage and headed off for Old Town San Diego. It's a state park that recreates a Californio ranchero from the mid-1800s when California was still part of Mexico.

We ate delicious food and took in some fabulous Christmas decorations.

(Check out the cute tortilla bowl to hold the beans!!!)

So after some adventures in Old Town we negotiated the San Diego public transit system which is the hardest of any city we've ever been to. C-R-A-Z-Y. Oh, and San Diego is really strange in that everything is rather low-income here. It seems that there is no middle class. What a strange city.

Anyway, we made it back to the hotel and now I'm typing this from the comfort of a bed in a room with windows!

Conference starts tomorrow--I'm sure you are all on the edge of your seats to hear what exciting adventures will occur with 5,000 mathematicians. Nathan surely is--all day long he had been practicing the delivery of his math jokes.


TKPO_NC said...

When I hosted your Bridal Shower, I wanted to spread around the little shiny hearts on the dining room and gift tables. Mike didn't want me to because he said they get spread all over the floor and would be impossible to ever get cleaned. I promised that I would keep them contained on the table cloths and not let them get spread over the house. As we cleaned up after the shower, we took both cloths outside to shake all the shiny hearts into the trash can. On the way out, I dropped my end of the cloth ... and the shiny hearts went everywhere. For weeks we have vacuumed shiny hearts from every end of our house. Today I dragged out the vacuum again for our annual Christmas clean up. I found about 10 or 12 shiny hearts. Mike frowned and said, "I told you so!" I just smiled and thought to myself, 'Every time I found a shiny heart, I will think of Rachel Ann & Nathan and I will stop whatever I'm doing and say a prayer for them.' So that's what I did about 10 times today. From the sounds of the hostel it seems my prayers are not getting through ... which is not surprising. LOL! The wedding was lovely. I love you and will keep you in my heart and in my prayers during your travels. Hopefully your next stop will be a little more pleasant. I can't believe you're married!!! Love, Tammy

Beverly said...

Sounds like your gonna have quite the adventure over the next couple of months! I'm glad your safe and sound out of the brothel oh I meant hostel. LOVE the blog, and remember to keep the dream alive.